First, go to the where you want the moongate to bring the player. Now add a moongate: 'ADDITEM 2523 (Blue MoonGate) 'ADDITEM 2526 (Red MoonGate) 'ADDITEM 2527 (Black Moongate) Then type 'SETTYPE 50 (and click on the moongate.) Type 'MARK (and click on the moongate). Then go place the moongate where you want it. Type 'SETTYPE 60 (and click on moongate). Type 'SETMOVABLE 2 to make players unable to pick up the Moongate. Done! :) If you want to make it a two ways Moongate, follow the above steps, but mark the moongate at where the previous moongate brought the player (one step away from it to avoid a looping moongate). To make a teleporter, follow the above steps, but exchange the moongate with the object you wish to function as a teleporter. |
To make a key/lock-pair, first make a blank key and set its Type to 7('SETTYPE
7). Then set the More value of the item to lock and the key to the same value. To make sure the lock is unique, it is suggested to set the More of the lock to the same value as its serial number. There, you are done! To make a Master Key which can lock/unlock all locks,simply create a key, set its Type to 7('SETTYPE 7) and its More to FF FF FF FF('SETMORE FF FF FF FF). It will then be able to lock/unlock anything.(even if it doesn't have a lock!!) |
make a lightsource, 'ADD any object. Use 'SETDIR #(Look chapter 4.2) to set the object's lighteffect. Then set it's ID to 16 47 ('SETID 16 47) |
thing to do, is to add a Townstone with either "/ADD 0e dd" or "/ADD
0e de". '/Then rename the Townstone to "Townstone of XXXX"(where XXXX is the name of the town '/where the townstone is positioned) by using 'RENAME. '/Now, set the morey of the townstone to zero('setmorey 0). '/Then you set the morez of the townstone to the current weekday number: ///SETMOREX 0 Sunday 1 (Monday) 2 (Tuesday) 3 (Wednesday) 4 (Thursday) 5 (Friday) 6 (Saturday) |
2.04 - HOUSE DEEDS |
To make a player
house(small houses, two stories, towers etc) you can enter 'ADD and click on the GM menu. Now click on HOUSE DEEDS, and scroll along to find the house you want to place. Remember that the spot where you are going to place the house MUST be free of trees, rocks, bushes etc or else these will stick up through the floor... Ok when you have found the type of house you want to place, double click on the deed with it's name and place it on the ground. Now double click it again and you should get a ghost-image of the house. Move this ghost-image around, and when you want to set up the house, just click again. If everything works as it should you will either stand outside of the house or inside. If you are inside the house you will probably be stuck, so write 'TELE and click on the ground in front of the house. If you don't see any house when you've placed it, but only the deed, try using 'HIDEHS. This will show the house and hide the house deed. Be careful though, this command is known to have caused many crashes...(Type 'SHOWHS to see the house icons again.) To make a house of your own desire, you must manually place each section of the house. Each section is the size of one UO square. A great tool to find the sections you need with, is InsideUO. This is a great program. With this you can browse through all of UO's graphics and sounds and animation, and add them on your server by entering ('ADD XX XX) where XX XX is the hex-number you get when you doubleclick on an item within InsideUO. Go here to find InsideUO : http://dkbush.cablenet-va.com/alazane |
2.05 - VENDORS |
A vendor is a NPC who sells/buys things from players. To make a vendor, either
add one from the NPC menu ('ADD), or follow these steps to make your own. 1. Create a basic npc 2. Type 'MAKESHOP and click on the NPC. This will give him vendor status and buy/sell packs. 3. Type 'GMOPEN 1a and click on the NPC. This will open the vendor sell pack. In this sell pack you place all the items you wish the vendor to sell. F.example: You want the vendor to sell loafs of bread, so you add a loaf of bread('ADD 10 3b) and place it on the ground. Now set it's type to 14, so people can actually eat it('SETTYPE 14). Place the loaf of bread inside the vendor sell pack. 4. Now set how many loafs of bread you want the NPC to sell each time he restocks ('SETRESTOCK #, and click on loaf). 5. Ok now you must set the price that players must pay to get a loaf of bread. Type 'SETVALUE $$ (insert price here), and click on the loaf of bread. 6. Now set the restockrate of the vendor. This is the time it takes for the vendor to restock when someone has bought something. Type 'SETSHOP RESTOCKRATE # (insert time in minutes here) and click on the vendor. Ok now you have a vendor who will sell things to people if they say "vendor buy". But you also want to make a vendor who buy things from players, you say? No problem, all you have to do, is open the vendor's BUY pack, with 'GMOPEN 1c. Place all items you want the npc to buy inside here, and set the price he will give for those items ('SETPRICE $$ on each item). So the NPC vendor has three packs...the Sell pack('GMOPEN 1a) the buy pack ('GMOPEN 1c) and another pack where all the items the players have sold to the vendor lies ('GMOPEN 1b) The only thing remaining now, is to put some clothing on your vendor so as he/she will not freeze hehe...Go to 2.6 - CUSTOM NPCs, and look under "Putting Clothes On Yer NPC". |
2.06 - CUSTOM NPCs |
To make your own
custom NPC, follow the steps below: -First you must add a basic npc. write 'ADDNPC 01 90 to add a male npc, or 'ADDNPC 01 91 to add a female. -If you want, you can set your npc to be one of the following: a healer - type 'SETNPCAI 1 a monster - type 'SETNPCAI 2 a guard - type /SETNPCAI 4 a banker - type 'SETNPCAI 8 a monster that attacks the strongst (If your npc is neither of these, ignore the 'setnpcai command) **Putting Clothes On Yer NPC** Ok now to put some clothing/equipment on yer NPC. First you have to do, is to add whatever clothes you wish the NPC to wear. Go to the CLOTHES menu by typing 'ADD and clicking on the backpack icon until you see a fancy shirt icon. Place all the items on the ground, NOT on the npc directly when creating them. Open up the NPC's paperdoll, and drag the clothes on it. Do the same with any weapons/armor you wish the NPC to wear. **Letting your NPC wander around** To let the npc walk around, use one of the following lines: NPC don't move anywhere: 'NPCWANDER 0 NPC follows specified target set with 'npctarget : 'NPCWANDER 1 NPC follows this target: 'NPCTARGET NPC wanders around freely: 'NPCWANDER 2 NPC wanders in a boxed area: 'NPCWANDER 3 (Box is set with 'NPCRECT, don't use yet) NPC wanders in a circle radius: 'NPCCIRCLE x y r (x=x-coordinate, y=y-coordinate, r=radius distance in UO tiles) (To get the x and y-coordinates, type 'WHERE. The first number is X-coordinate, the second is Y-coordinate, and the third is the Z coordinate(height). |
2.07 - SPAWNING |
To spawn NPCs, Monsters or Items, either use Chaos' CGMT Tool(Look the LINKS-section of this file), or follow these steps: 1. Create a tile of which the npc/monster/item shall spawn from. This can be any object. 2. Rename the spawn tile to something like "Orc spawn" or something. This will be useful if you want to find the spawn in the world file(uox3.wsc) either to modify it or to delete it.('RENAME spawnname) 3. Now to tell the spawn tile what NPC/ITEM to spawn. All the NPC's and Items are listed in NPC.SCP and ITEMS.SCP. Look up the NPC/ITEM you want to spawn, and type 'SETMOREX # (insert NPC/ITEM number from the script file here) 4. Now to set the type of spawner. NPC spawner: 'SETTYPE 62 (click tile) ITEM spawner: 'SETTYPE 61 (click tile) 5. If your spawner is a NPC spawner, set the amount of NPCs you want the spawner to spawn, by using 'SETAMOUNT #(insert number of npcs here) Warning: If your spawning NPC/monster is in wander mode, then take care that they are properly setup in your NPC.SCP file. If your using NPCWANDER 2 in the NPC.SCP file, then you don't need to do anything special, but if your using NPCWANDER 3 or 4, then make sure FX1, FY1, FZ1 are all set to -1. That will tell them to use their spawn location coordinates as their center point. Example: (in NPC.SCP file) NPCWANDER 4 FX1 -1 FY1 -1 FZ1 -1 FX2 20 (tells the NPC to wander in a radius, set the center point for where they are spawned, and they may wander up to 20 tiles in any direction) Also, for ITEMS, if you drag the spawned item directly off the spawner and onto your character, the item will not respawn again. Don't drag items from spawners onto your character. It appear okay to drag them onto the ground, your pack or your paperdoll though. (thanks to Dragonbytes homepage for this litte thingy about spawning, a bit edited by me though :) |
To make a magic weapon, wand or other item, either use Chaos' CGMT Tool, or follow
the steps below: -First of all, add the weapon, wand or any other object that you want to be magic, by using the 'ADD menu or 'ADD ## ##(where ## ## is the hex code of the object you want to add) -Then set the item's type to 15 ('SETTYPE 15) -Then set the spell circle of the spell the item will cast: 'SETMOREX # (1-8) -Ok now set the spell number within the spell circle you chose, by using 'SETMOREY # (1-8) -Then set the number of charges the item is to have ('SETMOREZ #) Or you could set all three at once with 'SETMOREXYZ # # # |
1) Add a gate.
For a blue moongate use: 'ADD 0f 6c For a red moongate use: 'add 0d da 2) You can dye the gate a different color if you wish with 'DYE. 3) Use 'SETTYPE 80 for single use advancement gate. Once a character walks through any advancement gate he can't use any gate of this type after that. Use 'SETTYPE 81 for multiple use advancement. This kind of gate will let a character use it over and over again. 4) Use 'SETMOREX xxx to set what type of gate it is where xxx is the section advancement number from the advance.scp file 5) Make it permanent: 'NODECAY 6) Make it unmovable: 'SETMOVABLE 3 7) Use 'TWEAK to name the gate to whatever kind it is now. To make new types of Advancement Gates: Only advanced users should attempt this. Open up the advance.scp file with notepad. Go down just above EOF and press enter. Now enter your new advancement gate definition. Make sure to choose a number that is not already in the file for it. Make sure to keep the EOF at the end of the file. Below is a commented example of an advancement gate definition. '/ Master Smith <---Label to tell you what kind of gate it is when you read the file. SECTION ADVANCEMENT 1 <---This is gate type #1, You must give your gate type a new number not already in the file. { <---This starts the definition of the advancement gate STR 95 <---Set STR to 95 DEX 80 <---Set DEX to 80 INT 60 <---Set INT to 60 BLACKSMITHING 940 <---Set BLACKSMITHING to 94.0, that's why its 940 MINING 940 <---Set MINING to 94.0, that's why its 940 TINKERING 940 <---Set TINKERING to 94.0, that's why its 940 ITEM 15010 <---Give him a magic smith's hammer of ruin ITEM 609 <---Give him tongs ITEM 10080 <---Give him 50 ingots ITEM 87 <---Give him a PickAxe ITEM 7038 <---Give him Tinker Tools } <---This says that is it for this definition <---Place a empty space after it to make it easier to read the item numbers are section item numbers from the items.scp file. You can also you SKIN x x to change the player's skin color where x x is the shade you want. When used, an advancement object gives the user an amount of stats/skills that are written in ADVANCE.SCP. To make one, add an object and type: 'SETTYPE 80 (players can use only once) 81 (players can use as many times as they want) Then set the type of advance the player will gain when using this object by using 'SETMOREX # (Look in ADVANCE.SCP and choose the # after what type of advance you wish the object to have...Like, to set the advance SECTION ADVANCEMENT 1, write 'SETMOREX 1) |
(Sounds objects user type 86) To make an object that plays sounds when people walk over that object, first add an object that can be walked over :) Then set it's type to 86('SETTYPE 86). Then type 'SETHEXMOREXYZ #1 #2 #3 where #1 and #2 is the hex code of the sound, while #3 is the percentage chance of the sound being played when someone walks on the item. Example: Item type 86, MoreXYZ: 01 9c 80, there is a chance of %80 that the sound of a lich laughing will be played when the player walks over this item. Also: See chapter 4.3 for a list of sounds availible. |
To make an object that hurts people each time they walk over it(populary called damage objects), first add an item that people can walk over. Then set it's type to 85 ('SETTYPE 85). Now set the base damage that's being done(x), and random damage on top of that between (y) and (z) ('SETMOREXYZ x y z) Example: Place a flamestrike animation object on ground, 'SETTYPE 85 on it and 'SETMOREXYZ 10 10 25. This will make 20-35 damage every time a character walks thru it. |
To make an object that will transform a player into a monster/animal, first create a moongate: 'ADDITEM 2523 (Blue MoonGate) 'ADDITEM 2526 (Red MoonGate) 'ADDITEM 2527 (Black Moongate) Alright. Now set the moongate's TYPE to 82 ('SETTYPE 82). Then set it's MOREX to the number of the npc you wish the player to transform into (look in npc.scp) by using 'SETMOREX # |
There is no additional setup for message boards other than you have to ADD them
:) 'ADD 1E 5E (board that fit on E/W wall) 'ADD 1E 5F (board that fit on N/S wall) |
add a Guildstone deed with 'ADD 14 f0 then do 'SETTYPE 202 on the deed to make
it turn into a Guildstone when someone clicks on it twice. |
2.15 - BOOKS |
Books use a certain file (the so called bok-file) to store its texts. Each(!) new book has a corresponding bok-file ! They are stored in the UOX root directory. There are two kinds of books. Writeable books and read-only books. 1) How to use books 1.1) Creation 1.1.1) Writeable book: Add a book('ADD f f1), set its type to 11, set its morex value to 666('SETMOREX 666). You can set the maximum number of pages via 'SET MOREY #. If the morey is omitted its set to the default value of 16 pages, but it's recommended to set it explicitly anyway. The absolute maximum (client side limitation) is 255 pages. On the first OPENING of a writeable book the corresponding bok file is created, and AFTER the CREATION of the bok file it is absolutely NOT POSSIBLE TO ALTER the MAXIMUM number of PAGES. (changing the morey value after its creation does NOT change the maximum number of pages) If the book gets too small there's (currently) painfully, no other way than deleting the book and creating a new one with a higher maximum number of pages. Dropping that nasty limitation would imply : much slower execution time and a lot of development time. In other words: It's not likely that this limitation will ever fall. The current implementation does not allow copying of books. Example of how to make a writable book with 32 pages: 'ADD f f1 'SETTYPE 11 'SETMOREX 666 'SETMOREY 32
1.1.2) Read-only books |
2.16 - NPC AI |
The command 'SETNPCAI # sets the "artificial intelligence" of the npcs,
or the way they react to certain things. Such as the banker opening your bank box when saying BANK or the guards attacking monsters in town. Below is a list of numbers that can be used with the 'SETNPCAI # command. 01=Sets NPC to a healer. Will ressurrect ghosts. 02=Sets NPC to evil monster. Will attack all good monsters/animals and players. 04=Sets NPC to guard. Will attack all evil monsters(02) and all players that attack within town limits. 08=Sets NPC to banker(can be used on player too). Will open bank box if someone says BANK near him/her. 10=Same as AI 02, but will attack weakest first. 20=Same as AI 02, but will attack strongest first. 40=Same as AI 08, but the guards will teleport instead of walking. |
To make a GM(or another
character ) glow in the dark: Take a piece of clothing like a sash. I would recommend giving the sash a name you can easily find in the world file in case you need to remove it in the future. Put it on your GM character. Use 'setid 16 47 on the sash. If you want a small circle of light, use 'setdir 1 on the sash. If you want a bigger circle of light, use 'setdir 2 instead. Now pick it off of your paperdoll and then drop it back onto your paperdoll. It will disappear and you will now glow. To make an item glow in the dark(any item, including equipped ones), simply add an invisible lantern to the item with 'glow command. To remove the invisible lantern, use 'unglow. |
Make a normal dye tub then do 'dye 00 01 on it. |
doors are doors that look like walls. These work just as the other doors(except
for looking different) Add a wallpiece from InsideUO which says "a secret door" and set it to type 12. There! :) |
Add a deed('add 14 f0) and set it to type 217('SETTYPE 217) and you have a player
vendor deed. It has the same commands as the OSI vendors so i'll just refer you all to uo.stratics.com for all the commands.. |
2.21 - SPELLCASTING MONSTERS (by Tal Strake) |
This is a brief guide on how to set up monsters for using magic. Settings:- In order for your monsters to use spells you must include the SPATTACK and SPADELAY settings under the Monsters section in the npc.scp/uox3.scp file. The value SPATTACK is set to is a combination of bits represented decimally, and the value SPADELAY is the delay between each time the monster uses a spell. There is an example below if you are confused. The first 13 bits represents spells and the last 3 Fireballs. Spell Table:- Bit dec Spell 1 1 MagicArrow 2 2 Harm 3 4 Clumsy 4 8 FeebleMind 5 16 Weaken 6 32 Fireball 7 64 Curse 8 128 Lighting 9 256 Paralyze 10 512 MindBlast 11 1024 Engerybolt 12 2048 Explosion 13 4096 FlameStrike 14 8192 Dragon Breath - 20 % of source health 15 16384 Dragon Breath - 40 % of source health 16 32768 Dragon Breath - 60 % of source health A monster using lighting, fireball and explosion: SPATTACK = 2198 The value is calculated as so:- 2198 = 128(lighting) + 32 (fireball) + 2048 (Explosion) The damage your monster will do with a spell cast is set using the MAGERY SKILL setting, again in the monsters section of the ncp.scp/uox3.scp. The level of magery will effect the damage in the same way fit does for player characters. The exception to the rule is damage the last 3 Fireballs which is set by the level of hits points of the monsters. Setting the magery level: SKILL 25 700 SKILL is the setting name 25 is the magery id in the skill table 700 is 70 magery (level/10) Example Monsters SECTION NPC 24 { NAME a lich ID 0018 SKIN 0000 DIRECTION N BACKPACK GOLD 120 230 PACKITEM 104 ATT 80 DEF 70 STR 200 INT 150 DEX 35 NPCWANDER 4 FX1 -1 FX2 20 FY1 -1 FZ1 -1 FAME 4000 KARMA -5000 NPCAI 2 LOOT 10 SPATTACK 8191 All spells SPADELAY 30 SKILL 25 700 70 magery } SECTION NPC 93 { NAME an ancient wyrm ID 003b SKIN 07de DIRECTION N BACKPACK ATT 350 DEF 150 STR 1500 DEX 50 INT 600 NPCAI 0 LOOT 1 GOLD 800 2000 NPCWANDER 4 FX1 -1 FY1 -1 FZ1 -1 FX2 20 FAME 10000 KARMA 500 LOOT 10 SPATTACK 32768 60 % hit dammage fireball only SPADELAY 80 } |
2.22 - PLAYER RACES(by Abaddon) |
This is only a first and prelimenary implementation of player races. You will find that there has been another script added to the build, races.scp. Inside races, you will find the definitions for 11 existing races (not completely fleshed out). Basically, here is the layout for the player races. SECTION RACE # { NAME Dwarf // Name of race STRCAP 100 // Cap on strength DEXCAP 100 // Cap on dexterity INTCAP 100 // intelligence cap REQUIREBEARD // Males must have beards, will add if needed NOBEARD // Must have no beard, will delete if they have it GENDER MALE // Only males can be this race, acceptable values MALE, and FEMALE BEARDMIN 0440 // Min beard colour, must have max also, if 0, then disabled BEARDMAX 0480 // Max beard colour, must have min also, if 0, then disabled SKINMIN 0480 // Skin min colour, must have max also, if 0, then disabled SKINMAX 0520 // Skin max colour, must have min also, if 0, then disabled HAIRMIN 0440 // Hair min colour, must have max also, if 0, then disabled HAIRMAX 0520 // Hair max colour, must have min also, if 0, then disabled SKILLNAMEG 2 // Skill name gain and how much (SKILLNAME = MAGERY or whatever skill you want) SKILLNAMEL 2 // skill name loss and how much RACIALENEMY 1 // Racial enemy number... can be more than one entry RACIALAID 2 // Racial aid number... can be more than one entry LIGHTDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from light LIGHTAFFECT // if here, take damage from light LIGHTSECS 5 '/ take damage from light every 5 secs HEATDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from heat HEATAFFECT // if here, take damage from heat HEATSECS 5 // take damage from heat every 5 secs COLDDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from cold COLDAFFECT // if here, take damage from cold COLDSECS 5 // take damage from cold every 5 secs LIGHTNINGDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from lightning LIGHTNINGAFFECT // if here, take damage from lightning LIGHTNINGSECS 5 // take damage from lightning every 5 secs RAINDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from rain RAINAFFECT // if here, take damage from rain RAINSECS 5 // take damage from rain every 5 secs SNOWDAMAGE 5 // take 5 damage from snow SNOWAFFECT // if here, take damage from snow SNOWSECS 5 // take damage from snow every 5 secs NIGHTVIS 3 // night vision bonus... the number is the light level bonus you get at ANY time PLAYERRACE 0 // 0 is nonplayer race, 1 is player race LANGUAGEMIN 500 // skill value needed to interpret that races speech } Skill gain/loss information can be adjusted dynamically now, though it still can default to: For skill gain 0 None 1 Slight 2 Moderate 3 Significant and for skill loss 0 None 1 Slight 2 Moderate 3 Significant Basically, add a SECTION COMBAT MODS like this: SECTION COMBAT MODS { MOD0 0 // % bonus for mod 0 MOD1 5 MOD2 10 MOD3 25 MOD4 50 } If you don't have at least 4 entries, the defaults are used. Any racial aid is flagged green, and an enemy is flagged orange. Murderers still take precedence over everything though. Race name will show up in paperdoll, as well as above their char when you click on them, as long as it is not the default race. Skill bonuses and losses are in as well (I believe), but haven't really tested this all too well. I have allowed for the creation of race gates as well, which are one time only uses (type 83, examples in file). So you will start out as a human, but can only switch races once. So be warned! There is a way to make them reusable, but that is VERY fantasy shattering, being able to switch constantly. General: I realize it's not that flash an implementation (only really useful if we could have newer art, and different object IDs... ah well, perhaps one day). But I hope you like it, nonetheless. Either way, it should be a simple thing to do. It's easy enough to modify the Skills.mul and skills.idx file. Already done that and added entries. Plus I plan on adding a newer better weather system, to complement some of the features in here. Adding a race gate: Adding a race gate is actually quite simple. Just follow the layout I put below, for items.scp SECTION ITEM 11501 { NAME Elf // name of the gate ID 0dda // moongate type... I only use this because it is easily visible COLOR 0015 // color of moongate DIR 1 // direction facing... who knows? TYPE 83 // MUST be type 83, otherwise it won't work MOREX 1 // Race to convert to MOREY 0 // 0 means it's not reusable, 1 means it is } Also, I have modified the script for existing weapons... only useful for weapons anyway :) If you add what's following, it will work as a racial weapon. I have been thinking about racial armour, but who knows? RACE 0 // Racial weapon against race 0 Add this to the item you want to modify, and it does double damage on that race. |
These gates work
like those at Lord British & Lord Blackthorn's castles on UO. You use a key
or a switch/lever, Now after doing that, you add a key, switch, lever or anything else you want to use as "gate opener", and set it to type 2(Order) or 4(Chaos). The gates should now raise and lower after you use the gate opener. |
To make a sound object that plays a sound
whenever someone comes near, make the object and then set it to type 88('SETTYPE
88) |
2.25 - SMOKING |
To add an item that can be..er..smoked, set that item to type 185 ('SETTYPE 185). |
If USESPECIALBANK 1 is activated the new banking system is active. |
This is new and non-UO, select inscribe skill
and target a piece of armor. It will then ask you for circle and spell to engrave. |
You can set the skills and stats on ANY NPC
or Player. To set the stats, you do one of the following: |
This commands foremost function is to set
an owner to an item/npc. You can also use 'SETOWNER on items. I think setting 'SETOWNER on an item will only allow the owner to use the item. But it only restricts the USE of the item. Not picking it up etc. |
First, set the potion to type 19. Then set the morey('SETMOREY #) from the list below, to define what
effect it should have. |
Set any item to type 181, then set the number of firework charges with 'SETMOREX #. |
To customize the weight of Ore and Logs(and any other item as well for that matter), |
2.33 - CONTAINER SPAWNER (Spawning Containers 101 By Iain) 1. Create a container 2. Set Type 65 for unlocked, 64 for locked 3. Set morex equal to the item to spawn 4. Set morey equal to minimum time to spawn 5. Set morez equal to maximum time to spawn 6. Set amount for amount to spawn |
This is an improved version of Chaos & Order gates. |
This has to be done through the scripts, more to the point ITEMS.SCP. |
There are two ways of making NPCs appear on horseback.
Making wrist-watches is actually pretty simple. |