Item Types are used to make items work in certain ways. For instance to give a container-item container-functionality, or to make it possible to open a door.
Assigning an Item Type to an item is as simple as writing 'SET TYPE # where # is the Item-Type you want to assign to an item, and then target the desired item afterwards. Sometimes there's more to in than that, but in those cases there's specific information included in the Type-information.
Below follows a list of the various Item-Types in UOX3:
Type | Description
0 | Default type
1 | Container/backpack
morez(1) > 0 = Magically trapped ('SET MOREZ 0x01000000)
2 | Opener for order gate
3 | Order gate
4 | Opener for Chaos gate
5 | Chaos gate
6 | Teleporter rune, acts like teleport was cast
7 | Key (Look World Interaction, section 2.1)
8 | Locked container
morez(1) > 0 = Magically trapped ('SET MOREZ 0x01000000)
9 | Spellbook
10 | This opens a map based on the serial num of the item
11 | A book:Entry in misc.dfn: %li",
More1 = MSB of serial (most significant byte)
More2 = NSB of serial (next significant byte)
More3 = NSB of serial
More4 = LSB of serial (least significant byte)
12 | Unlocked door
13 | Locked door
14 | Food item
15 | Magic wand/weapon (Look World Interaction, section 2.8)
MoreX = Circle
MoreY = Spell within circle
MoreZ = Charges left
16 | Resurrection object, will resurrect dead players when double-clicked.
18 | Enchanted item that displays a random message (Crystal Ball?)
19 | Potion
1 = agility
2 = cure
3 = eplosion
4 = heal
5 = night sight
6 = poison
7 = refresh
8 = strength
9 = mana
1 = lesser
2 = normal
3 = greater
35 | Townstone Deed if itemID = 0x14F0, otherwise it's a Townstone.
50 | Recall rune
MoreX = Target X
MoreY = Target Y
MoreZ = Target Z
51 | Start Gate *guess at info*
MoreX = Target X
MoreY = Target Y
MoreZ = Target Z
Ends up going into the gatex[], gatey[], gatez[] array
52 | End Gate *guess at info*
MoreX = Target X
MoreY = Target Y
MoreZ = Target Z
Ends up going into the gatex[], gatey[], gatez[] array
60 | Object Teleporter
MoreX = Target X
MoreY = Target Y
MoreZ = Target Z
61 | Item Spawner
spawnsection = Item-ID to spawn (hex-id)
Mininterval = Respawn minimum time
Maxinterval = Respawn maximum time
62 | Monster/NPC Spawner
Amount = Amount of NPCs to spawn in total
Spawnsection = Npc-ID to spawn
Mininterval = Respawn minimum time
Maxinterval = Respawn maximum time
63 | Item-spawner Container
morez(1) > 0 = Magically Trapped ('SET MOREZ 0x01000000)
Spawnsection => Item-ID to spawn (hex-id)
Mininterval => Respawn minimum time
Maxinterval => Respawn maximum time
64 | Locked item-spawner Container
morez(1) > 0 = Magically Trapped ('SET MOREZ 0x01000000)
Spawnsection => Item-ID to spawn (hex-id)
Mininterval => Respawn minimum time
Maxinterval => Respawn maximum time
65 | Unlockable item-spawner Container
morez(1) > 0 = Magically Trapped ('SET MOREZ 0x01000000)
Spawnsection = Item-ID to spawn (Hex-ID)
Mininterval = Respawn minimum time
Maxinterval = Respawn maximum time
69 | Area spawner
More3/More4 = X/Y +/- offset ('SET MORE 0x0000XXYY)
Amount = Amount to spawn
Spawnsection = Npc-ID to spawn
Mininterval = Minimum respawn time
Maxinterval = Maximum respawn time
80 | Single Use advancement gate
MoreX = entry in advance.dfn to use
81 | Multi Use advancement gate
MoreX = entry in advance.dfn to use
82 | Monster Gate
MoreX = entry from NPC-DFNs to change player into
83 | Race Gate
MoreX = Race entry to turn into, from races.dfn
MoreY = 0 single use, 1 repeated use
85 | Damage Object
MoreX + MoreY => Minimum Damage
MoreX + MoreZ => Maximum Damage
87 | Trash Container
88 | Sound Object - plays sound effect when someone is close enough
MoreX = Sound effect to play
MoreY = Radius in tiles
MoreZ = Probability in % of sound playing
89 | Map/Facet-Change Object
90 | World-Change Object
101 | Morph object
MoreX = Body to morph into
Changes to type 102
102 | Unmorph object
Unmorphs back to original body as it was before type 101 object was used.
Changes to type 101 again
105 | Drink Object
106 | Standing Harp
111 | Zero Kills Gate
117 | Planks
118 | Fireworks wand
MoreX = Number of charges
125 | Escort NPC Spawner
More3/More4 = X +/- offset ('SET MORE 0x0000XXYY)
Amount = Amount to spawn
MoreX = Npc to spawn
MoreY = Minimum respawn time
MoreZ = Maximum respawn time
186 | Rename Deed
190 | Leather-Repairtool
191 | Bow-Repairtool
200 | Tiller
202 | Guildstone deed
203 | Opens housing gump
204 | Tinker Tools
205 | Metal-Repairtool
207 | Forge
208 | Dye
209 | Dye vat
210 | Model boats/houses
211 | Archery Butte
212 | Drum
213 | Tambourine
214 | Harp
215 | Lute
216 | Axe
217 | Player Vendor Deed
218 | Smithing tool
219 | Carpentry tool
220 | Mining tool
221 | Empty vial
222 | Unspun Fabric/Spinning tool
223 | Uncooked Fish
224 | Uncooked Meat
225 | Spun Fabric/Weaving tool
225 | Fletching tool
227 | Cannon ball
228 | Water Pitcher
228 | Uncooked Dough
230 | Sewing kit
231 | Ore
232 | Bulletin Board
233 | Sword/Dagger/knife/blade
234 | Camping
235 | MagicStatue
236 | Guillotine
237 | FuillotineAnim
238 | Floursack
239 | Open Floursack
240 | Fishing tool
241 | Clock
242 | Mortar
243 | Scissors
244 | Bandage
245 | Sextant
246 | Hairdye
247 | Lockpick
248 | Cottonplant
249 | TinkerAxle
250 | TinkerAwg
251 | TinkerClock
252 | TinkerSextant
253 | Training Dummy
254 | Training Dummy Anim
255 | Worldforge type