| Install and Configure UOX3 | Configure the UO Client | Return to UOX3.org | Commandlist |
[system] [clientsupport] [play server list] [network server list] [skill & stats] [timers] [directories] [settings] [speedup] [message boards] |
[escorts] [worldlight] [tracking] [reputation] [resources] [hunger] [combat] [start locations] [startup] [gumps] [towns] [disabled assistant features] |
SERVERNAME | Servername used to support UOG Info Request. |
PORT | Port number that server listens on for connections. |
NETRCVTIMEOUT | The time it takes for a connection to be dropped if no packets are received. |
NETSNDTIMEOUT | Not in use. |
NETRETRYCOUNT | The number of times a network recieve will be attempted before it throws an error. |
CONSOLELOG | Allows various levels of logging; 0 = none, 1 = errors/warnings, 2 = errors/warnings + all speech |
CRASHPROTECTION | Number of crash restart attempts before stopping - Not in use. |
COMMANDPREFIX | Character that acts as the command prefix. |
Determines if world-saves are announced. |
JOINPARTMSGS | Determines if player join/part messages are enabled. |
MULCACHING | Determines if the MULs are cached in memory. |
BACKUPSENABLED | Determines if backups are enabled. |
BACKUPSAVERATIO | Number of saves before a backup occurs. |
SAVESTIMER | Number of seconds between world saves. |
UOGENABLED | Determines if support for the UOGateway Info Request Service is enabled. |
RANDOMSTARTINGLOCATION | If 1, new player characters start in a random starting location instead of one they choose during character creation. |
ASSISTANTNEGOTIATION | If 1, UOX3 will attempt to negotiate features with the player's assist-tool (Razor, AssistUO, etc). Negotiate, in this context, means tell the assist tool what features to disable! See [disabled assistant features] for a list of features that can be disabled. |
KICKONASSISTANTSILENCE | If 1, UOX3 will disconnect players who's clients (or assist tools, rather) don't respond to the request to negotiate features. |
Note that each of these settings represents a range of client versions, ranging from the one specified to the next one just before the next available setting. So CLIENTSUPPORT4000 ranges from v4.0.0.0 until whichever the last version before v5.0.0.0 (CLIENTSUPPORT5000) was.
NOTE: While it is possible (and it is even the default setting) to enable login-support for all the ranges of client-versions listed below, how well they will work depends very much on what version of the datafiles are used on the server. It is highly recommended to restrict client-support to whichever range of versions is closest to the client-version the datafiles in use on the server are from.
CLIENTSUPPORT4000 | Enables login-support for all clients in the 4.0.x range |
CLIENTSUPPORT5000 | Enables login-support for all clients in the 5.0.x range |
CLIENTSUPPORT6000 | Enables login-support for clients from 6.0.0 to 6.0.4.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT6050 | Enables login-support for clients from to 6.0.14.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT7000 | Enables login-support for clients from to 7.0.8.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT7090 | Enables login-support for clients from to 7.0.15.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT70160 | Enables login-support for clients from to 7.0.23.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT70240 | Enables login-support for clients from to 7.0.29.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT70300 | Enables login-support for clients from to |
CLIENTSUPPORT70331 | Enables login-support for clients from to |
CLIENTSUPPORT704565 | Enables login-support for clients from to 7.0.60.x |
CLIENTSUPPORT70610 | Enables login-support for clients from and above |
SERVERLIST | Series of server entries for shard list. |
SKILLLEVEL | Global difficulty level for crafting items. 1=Easiest, 5=Default, 10=Difficult. |
SKILLCAP | Total number of skillpoints available for each player. |
SKILLDELAY | Number of seconds that must pass after a skill is used, before another skill can be used. |
STATCAP | Total number of statpoints available for each player. |
EXTENDEDSTARTINGSTATS | Toggles whether to allow the extended starting stats (90 statpoints in total) for new characters created with client versions 7.0.16+ |
EXTENDEDSTARTINGSKILLS | Toggles whether to allow the fourth starting skill (and 120 skillpoints in total) for new characters created with client versions 7.0.16+ |
Max number of steps allowed with stealth skill at 100.0 |
Max number of steps allowed while running before stamina is reduced. |
SNOOPISCRIME | Determines if snooping is a crime or not. |
Toggles whether or not armor affects mana regeneration rate |
CORPSEDECAYTIMER | Amount of time for a corpse to decay. |
WEATHERTIMER | Amount of time between changing light levels (day cycles). |
SHOPSPAWNTIMER | Amount of time between shopkeeper restocks. |
DECAYTIMER | AMount of time a decayable item will remain on the ground before disappearing. |
INVISIBILITYTIMER | Duration of the invisibility spell. |
OBJECTUSETIMER | Amount of time a player must wait between using objects. |
GATETIMER | Duration of a summoned moongate. |
POISONTIMER | Duration of the poison effect on a character. |
LOGINTIMEOUT | Amount of time for an idle connection to time out. |
Amount of time required to regenerate a single point of health. |
Amount of time required to regenerate a single point of stamina. |
Amount of time required to regenerate a single point of mana. |
BASEFISHINGTIMER | Base time for fishing skill to complete an attempt at fishing. |
SPIRITSPEAKTIMER | Duration of the spirit speak skill. |
PETOFFLINECHECKTIMER | Sets the interval in seconds between checks for the player offline time. |
DIRECTORY | Root UOX3 directory |
DATADIRECTORY | Where UOX3 looks for the UO .MUL files. |
DEFSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 looks for the DFN-files. |
BOOKSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 saves the .bok files for books. |
ACTSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 looks for/saves account files. |
SCRIPTSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 looks for Javascripts |
BACKUPDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 backs up worldsaves. |
MSGBOARDDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 stores bulletin-board messages. |
SHAREDDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 stores the worldfiles. |
ACCESSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 looks for/saves account files. |
HTMLDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 generates serverstatus-HTML-files |
LOGSDIRECTORY | Where UOX3 saves server logs. |
Where UOX3 looks for dictionary-files. |
Determines if loot decays along with corpses or not. |
GUARDSACTIVE | Determines if guards are enabled globally or not. |
DEATHANIMATION | Determines if the Deathanimation is played when a player dies. |
AMBIENTSOUNDS | Ambient sounds, from 1 - 10. Higher value means ambient sounds are played less often. |
AMBIENTFOOTSTEPS | Determines if the footstep-sounds hardcoded in UOX3 are used or not (different sounds on different tiles). |
If enabled, new accounts are created automatically when someone logs in with an unknown username. |
SHOWOFFLINEPCS | If enabled, offline PCs can be seen by GMs. |
ROGUESENABLED | If 1, then the stealing skill is enabled. |
PLAYERPERSECUTION | If enabled, dead players can attack living ones, and thus drain their mana. |
ACCOUNTFLUSH | How often (in minutes) online accounts are checked to see if they really ARE online. |
HTMLSTATUSENABLED | If > 0 then UOX3 generates server-status pages in the HTML directory. |
SELLBYNAME | Determines if items are sold by their name, not just ID/Colour. |
SELLMAXITEMS | Maximum number of items that can be sold to a vendor at a time. |
TRADESYSTEM | Determines if the Tradesystem is enabled or not. (fluctuation of vendor prices depending on availability - check tradesystem documentation.) |
RANKSYSTEM | If 1, item creation allows for variable quality of items. |
If 1, there is no skill requirements for casting spells from scrolls. |
If 1, NPCs can train player-characters. |
HIDEWILEMOUNTED | If 1, a character can hide/stealth while mounted. |
WEIGHTPERSTR | How much weight per point of STR a character can hold. |
POLYDURATION | Duration of the polymorph spell. |
CLIENTFEATURES | Can be used to enable/disable specific expansion-related features, client-side. For an in-depth description, check this forum-thread at uox3.org: UO client versions/expansions and compatibility with UOX3 |
SERVERFEATURES | Can be used to enable/disable specific expansion-related features, server-side. For an in-depth description, check this forum-thread at uox3.org: UO client versions/expansions and compatibility with UOX3 |
OVERLOADPACKETS | Toggles whether or not JS can handle incoming/outgoing network packets |
ADVANCEDPATHFINDING | Enables/disables the A* Pathfinding routine for NPCs |
LOOTINGISCRIME | Toggles whether looting (innocent/blue) corpses is a crime or not |
BASICTOOLTIPSONLY | If set to 1, tooltips will only show name and weight of items |
GLOBALITEMDECAY | Toggles decay on/off on a global scale. Does not remove decay flag from items, only stops them from decaying |
SCRIPTITEMSDECAYABLE | Toggles default decay status of DFN items. Can be overriden by DECAY tag in item-DFNs |
BASEITEMSDECAYABLE | Toggles default decay status of base items. Can be overriden by DECAY tag in harditems.dfn |
ITEMDECAYINHOUSES | Toggles default decay status of non-locked down items in multis (houses and boats). Defaults to off. |
PAPERDOLLGUILDBUTTON | Toggles whether or not the Guild-button on the paperdoll can be used as a shortcut for interacting with guildstones. Defaults to on. |
FISHINGSTAMINALOSS | Sets the amount of stamina lost when fishing. |
CHECKITEMS | How often (in seconds) items are checked for decay and other things. |
CHECKBOATS | How often (in seconds) boats are checked for motion and so forth. |
CHECKNPCACI | How often (in seconds) NPCs can execute an AI routine. |
How often (in seconds) spawn regions are checked for new spawns. |
NPCMOVEMENTSPEED | Allows customization of NPC movement speed. Can be overridden by WALKINGSPEED tag in NPC-DFNs |
NPCRUNNINGSPEED | Allows customization of NPC running speed. Can be overridden by RUNNINGSPEED tag in NPC-DFNs |
NPCFLEEINGSPEED | Allows customization of NPC fleeing speed. Can be overridden by FLEEINGSPEED tag in NPC-DFNs |
NPCSPELLCASTSPEED | Used to adjust how often NPCs cast spells in combat. Global setting, defaults to 1. Can be finetuned per NPC using SPADELAY DFN tag. |
GLOBALATTACKSPEED | Used to adjust the attack speed globally for all characters. Defaults to 1. Can be finetuned per NPC via DEX stat in DFNs. |
If 0, only GMs can post on Bulletin Boards, otherwise free for all. | |
If 0, only GMs can remove posts on Bulletin Boards, otherwise free for all. |
ESCORTENABLED | If 1, NPC escorting is enabled. |
ESCORTINITEXPIRE | Amount of time until an escort-NPC will vanish while waiting for someone to start escorting it. |
Amount of time until an escort NPC will vanish while a player is escorting it. |
Amount of time until an escort NPC will vanish when it has reached it's destination. |
DUNGEONLEVEL | Specifies the light-level of Dungeon-areas. |
BRIGHTLEVEL | Specifies the brightest light-level in the day/night cycles. |
DARKLEVEL | Specifies the darkest light-level in the day/night cycles. |
Number of real seconds per UOX3 minute. |
Minimum range even a novice can track from. | |
Tracking timer - maximum time a GrandMaster can track someone. | |
Maximum number of targets that can be tracked. |
How often (in seconds) the tracking message is redisplayed. |
Amount of time before a permanent murder count will decay. |
MAXKILLS | Maximum number of kills before turning red. |
Amount of time a character remains criminal after committing a criminal act. |
Type of mining check performed - 0=anywhere, 1=mountains/cavefloors, 2=region based(not working) | |
Maximum number of ores in a given resource area. |
Amount of time it takes for 1 single ore to respawn in a resource area. |
Number of ore-areas to split the world into. |
Maximum number of logs in a given resource area. |
Amount of time it takes for 1 single log to respawn in a resource area. |
Number of log-areas to split the world into. |
HUNGERRATE | Amount of time a player has before his hunger level decreases. |
HUNGERDMGVAL | Amount of damage applied if hungry and below threshold. |
PETHUNGEROFFLINE | Toggles whether pets should hunger while the player (owner) is offline or not. |
PETOFFLINETIMEOUT | Sets the time in days for when an offline player's pet becomes wild again. |
MAXRANGE | Maximum range (in tiles) at which combat can occur. |
ARCHERRANGE | The range at which NPC archers stop charging their target in combat (default 7). |
Maximum range (in tiles) at which spells can be cast. |
If 1, hit messages are displayed in combat. |
If 1, damage numbers are displayed above characters in combat. |
If 1, monsters can attack animals. |
The chance of animals being attacked by monsters (0-100) |
If 1, animals are under the protection of town guards. |
NPC Damage divisor - PCs sustain less than NPCs. If a PC, damage is 1/value. |
% of HP where an NPC will flee from combat, if it's not defined for it already in the DFNs. |
% of HP where an NPC will resume attacking, if it's not defined for it already in the DFNs. |
Amount of stamina lost when hitting an opponent. |
If 1, attack speed in combat is derived from stamina instead of dexterity. |
If 1, archery from horseback is possible. |
The amount of time it takes for the damage from the Explosion spell to be inflicted on the target. |
The chance (in %) of weapons taking damage in combat. |
The min amount of damage (randomized) weapons can take if it takes damage in combat. |
The max amount of damage (randomized) weapons can take if it takes damage in combat. |
The chance (in %) of armor taking damage in combat. |
The min amount of damage (randomized) armor can take if it takes damage in combat. |
The max amount of damage (randomized) armor can take if it takes damage in combat. |
LOCATION | Startlocations used by the character-creation process in the client. Fixed amount of locations, using the following format: LOCATION=TOWN,BUILDING,X,Y,Z,WORLD,CLILOCMSG (description of town) Default setup: LOCATION=Yew,Center,545,982,0,0,1075072 LOCATION=Minoc,Tavern,2477,411,15,0,1075073 LOCATION=Britain,Sweet Dreams Inn,1495,1629,10,0,1075074 LOCATION=Moonglow,Docks,4406,1045,0,0,1075075 LOCATION=Trinsic,West Gate,1832,2779,0,0,1075076 LOCATION=Magincia,Docks,3675,2259,20,0,1075077 LOCATION=Jhelom,Docks,1492,3696,0,0,1075078 LOCATION=Skara Brae,Docks,639,2236,0,0,1075079 LOCATION=Vesper,Ironwood Inn,2771,977,0,0,1075080 |
STARTGOLD | Amount of gold a new PC starts with. |
STARTPRIVS | Starting privileges of new characters. |
TITLECOLOUR | Default text colour for titles in gumps. |
LEFTTEXTCOLOUR | Default text colour for left text in gumps (2 column ones). |
RIGHTTEXTCOLOUR | Default text colour for right text in gumps (2 column ones). |
BUTTONCANCEL | Default Button ID for cancel button in gumps. |
BUTTONLEFT | Default Button ID for left button (navigation) in gumps. |
BUTTONRIGHT | Default Button ID for right button (navigation) in gumps. |
BACKGROUNDPIC | Default Gump ID for background gump. |
POLLTIME | Time (in seconds) for which a town voting poll is open. |
MAYORTIME | Time (in seconds) that a PC would be a mayor. |
TAXPERIOD | Time (in seconds) between periods of taxes for PCs. |
GUARDSPAID | Time (in seconds) between payments for guards. |
AF_FILTERWEATHER | Weather Filter |
AF_FILTERLIGHT | Light Filter |
AF_SMARTTARGET | Smart Last Target |
AF_RANGEDTARGET | Range Check Last Target |
AF_AUTOOPENDOORS | Automatically Open Doors |
AF_DEQUIPONCAST | Unequip Weapon on spell cast |
AF_AUTOPOTIONEQUIP | Un/Re-equip weapon on potion use |
AF_POISONEDCHECKS | Block heal If poisoned/Macro IIf Poisoned condition/Heal or Cure self |
AF_LOOPEDMACROS | Disallow Looping macros, For loops, and macros that call other macros |
AF_USEONCEAGENT | The use once agent |
AF_RESTOCKAGENT | The restock agent |
AF_SELLAGENT | The sell agent |
AF_BUYAGENT | The buy agent |
AF_POTIONHOTKEYS | All potion hotkeys |
AF_RANDOMTARGETS | All random target hotkeys (Not target next, last target, target self) |
AF_CLOSESTTARGETS | All closest target hotkeys |
AF_OVERHEADHEALTH | Health and Mana/Stam messages shown over player's heads |
AF_AUTOLOOTAGENT (AssistUO) | The autoloot agent |
AF_BONECUTTERAGENT (AssistUO) | The bone cutter agent |
AF_JSCRIPTMACROS (AssistUO) | Javascript macro engine |
AF_AUTOREMOUNT (AssistUO) | Auto remount after dismount |
AF_ALL | Every feature possible |